Summer Term Writing Awards

22nd June 2015
On Monday 22nd June we presented our summer term writing awards in a special assembly.  One child was chosen from each class to receive the 'star writer' certificate and was presented with this and a letter for their parents which outlined why they had been chosen by their class teachers.
Samples of written work from the winners were read out to the rest of the school.  There was some super work which celebrated the writing journey across the school and included a list of items to take the beach (Nursery), first sentences (Reception), descriptive writing about a favourite toy (Y1), recount of a class visit to St Mary's Lighthouse (Y2), a shape poem (Y3), a historial account about the Fearsome Vikings (Y4), a personal recount of the residential visit to Hawkhirst (Y5) and a historical diary written from the point of view of Howard Carter (Y6).
Well done to Lewis, Jack, Maddox, Bethany, Shayne, Kelson, Ellie-Mae and Beth!