Pupil Premium Local Award winners

5th February 2016
On 5th February 2016, we recieved a letter from Sam Gyimah MP to inform us that Eastlea had been recognised as one of the Pupil Premium Local Award winners for 2016. We were the only school in Northumberland to appear on the list of local winners which is quite an achievement. 
In the letter it outlined why we had been selected and stated that we were one of the high achieveing schools in the country in terms of our attainment of progreess of pupils, especially those in reciept of pupil premium funding. 
This is something that was seen as an ongoing successful picture since 2011 and we were praised for providing our pupils with a good start in life and preparing them well for secondary school.
Sam Gyimah wished to congratulate all our governors, parents, staff and pupils for their hard work and success.
Well done to everyone!